We always show up for what we believe in.  Life is a journey & we’re always on the way.  Are you headed in the direction you want?  In reflection…

Are you showing up for others in line with your values?

Are you worrying about things you can’t change but aren’t willing to put effort into changing them?

Are you caring, collaborating, coaching?

What behaviors do you tolerate?  We all get what we tolerate.

Who have you helped recently?

6 Thoughts from Marshall Goldsmith

1. How smart or right we are is irrelevant if we don’t make a positive difference to people around us.

2. If you can sell it, sell it. If you can change it, change it. If not make peace with that.

3. Are you willing to invest the energies in making a positive difference to an issue you see? If not, let it go.

4. You don’t have to be superior or better than someone to coach someone, you just need to care courageously about them.

5. Establish leadership behavior and have zero tolerance for bad behavior.

6. Life is incredibly easy to talk, incredibly difficult to live. Help more, judge less.

Another thought from Goldsmith is; We’re professionals at what we do but amateurs at who we want to become.  If you’d like a success partner on your journey, let us know how we can help!